It's like..
I also get lost really easily. As in I've gotten lost on my way to class, which is right across the hall from my locker easily (I ended up in the basement). It's happened multiple times.
I'm really oblivious and forgetful. I can't tell you how many times I've opened and reopened the fridge forgetting that I've already looked. Or stood there with a pen in my hand going, "I CAN'T FIND MY PEN!" Or... well you get the point. The fact that I still remember this blog exists is a miracle in itself.
I went to the beach with some of my friend's this past summer, and to keep track of me, my friend (well I thought we were friends until she decided to ask the whole class if they wanted to go to the italian festival, and didn't ask me), Marielle, devised a foolproof system. Marco Polo. Everytime I would drift away someone would yell out "Marco!" and I'd have to respond with "Polo." If I didn't, then they'd send someone after me to make sure I didn't fall off a lighthouse or something.
I can make it to the grocery store and back most of the time...and I can also make it to my school (but I have to take the bus route, and make all the stops) Other than that, however, I'm pretty confused...
The "..." (oh look it makes a face too) symbolizes the lack of imagination and blankness my brain experiences every couple of minutes or so. My mom says it's the sign that I'm a genius and my thoughts are just moving too quickly for my brain to comprehend... I think I'm just slow...
You know what they should create? gps stickers. I'd stick them on EVERYTHING! How awesome would that be. You're sitting there, "where's my favorite shirt." So you go to your gps tracker and bam, you find out you're wearing said favorite shirt. And the problem's solved. Harassment free.
Quick shout out to Kathryn Shronk whose birthday party was last night!
Favorite Quote for Today:
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.