
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Oh look, Sunday night again.

So, well, it's sunday again. Sunday around the same time I began this blog, exactly one week prior, and wouldn't you know it, I have AP Gov homework that I'm procrastinating from. I've come full circle as the world would say. Thanks to all you beautiful people reading my blog, I've had over 350 page views, which I think's a perrrrrty darn good number for 1 week. That fact that my parents found out about this blog, and embraced it was pretty monumental too.

It's like..

I'm not really allowed to be anywhere unsupervised. If you haven't noticed from my posts, I have a sort of ADHD. I'm just really, really bad at focusing. I'll be in the middle of a conversation and completely drift off.

I also get lost really easily. As in I've gotten lost on my way to class, which is right across the hall from my locker easily (I ended up in the basement). It's happened multiple times.

I'm really oblivious and forgetful. I can't tell you how many times I've opened and reopened the fridge forgetting that I've already looked. Or stood there with a pen in my hand going, "I CAN'T FIND MY PEN!" Or... well you get the point. The fact that I still remember this blog exists is a miracle in itself.

I went to the beach with some of my friend's this past summer, and to keep track of me, my friend (well I thought we were friends until she decided to ask the whole class if they wanted to go to the italian festival, and didn't ask me), Marielle, devised a foolproof system. Marco Polo. Everytime I would drift away someone would yell out "Marco!" and I'd have to respond with "Polo." If I didn't, then they'd send someone after me to make sure I didn't  fall off a lighthouse or something.

I can make it to the grocery store and back most of the time...and I can also make it to my school (but I have to take the bus route, and make all the stops) Other than that, however, I'm pretty confused...
The "..." (oh look it makes a face too) symbolizes the lack of imagination and blankness my brain experiences every couple of minutes or so. My mom says it's the sign that I'm a genius and my thoughts are just moving too quickly for my brain to comprehend... I think I'm just slow...
You know what they should create? gps stickers. I'd stick them on EVERYTHING! How awesome would that be. You're sitting there, "where's my favorite shirt." So you go to your gps tracker and bam, you find out you're wearing said favorite shirt. And the problem's solved. Harassment free.
Quick shout out to Kathryn Shronk whose birthday party was last night!
Favorite Quote for Today:
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


  1. I used to never notice when people were talking to me until a full two minutes after they finished talking.
    But wow! That's... interesting? Hahaha that might actually be an issue though.

    Procrastination? I have my final exams in two weeks and I am not only completely unprepared but I also have no idea what to be studying. I.e. I have no idea what I've been doing for the past two years.

    1. How exactly do final exams work in Australia? How does school work? Does it? It sounds alot harder than America.

    2. Wow. Okay, this is a bit complicated but try to follow it carefully. I'll tell you about the way it works in NSW, partly because this state has the largest population and partly because nearly all the best unis are there and mainly because I live here and don't really know how it works in other states.

      Well basically, until Year 11 (junior year) you have basically 'normal' school. You can screw up all you want, but your grades don't really matter.
      But once you're in Year 11, the work load and system is completely different, so you need to be a lot more assertive and plan out your time. Year 11 is only three terms (as opposed to 4 normally) or 1 1/2 semesters. In the last term, you're in year 12 (senior year). This is where every single assessment counts towards your final score. Like. EVERY. Assessment. Even if it's worth 10%. In your last term of high school, you sit your 'trials' (AKA your Trial Higher School Certificate). This is a school exam and is for about 30% weighting. In the end, all of your school's assessments (that add up to 100% weighting), are added to your actual HSC exam (which I'll be doing in a week and half) to calculate your ATAR (which is kind of like a overall 'score' or 'ranking' of your position in the state which determines which courses in which unis you can apply for). So basically 50% school + 50% HSC = ATAR.

      Of course, the subjects you do in your HSC course also count. The higher the skill level, and the ability of your school can push up your marks. For example, Physics would scale better than Textiles and Design.

      That's school in a nutshell. Mind you, I left out so much because I only understood it after three years, so I can't really explain it that well haha ^^

      How about in America? Do you just... Go write your SATs?

    3. So would you say that was easier or harder than America?

    4. It's harder because of the extreme mental pressure for two years and everyone drilling into your head that you have to do well. Oh and not to forget feeling like if you don't get the right ATAR, your life is over, because when you come from Asian and Indian families over here, society talks a lot. Especially if you're not doctor/lawyer/engineer.

      But it'd be easier the American way, because you don't have to worry about messing up one assessment, and hence, not as much pressure on your head 24/7. Also, you guys have homecomings and all these school dances :)

    5. That is really really true. We do have it good.

      P.S. the dances are over rated. It's gotten to the point where you have to sit there and go "Can I get pregnant from this?" And then you have to employ the Jenna Marbles face

    6. Well, coming from a girl's school whose brother school closed down before my generation entered, we only heard stories of how our two school had dances and mixed events in the past LOL

      Haha I guess 4 years of them would suck. We have a formal though, which is prom for us.

    7. We don't even haaave a brother school, or a sister school. We "share" a brother school with Boys Choir, and Holy Ghost.
