
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday's Should be for Sitting

Sunday night and when I should be doing homework, I’m writing on this blog. AP government is slowly making my head ache with a pain that can only be described as excruciating. The sweet melody of The Summer Set, however is keeping my spirits alive. Why is their song “Legendary” even allowed? It’s just too beautiful. You know what else is beautiful? My chickens, all six of them: Prudence, Chico, Elphaba, Poppy, Steve and an unnamed chicken we just dubbed, “chicken” (poor thing). Do you ever have those moments where you find yourself saying, “We” even though you are only an “I”. I named my “we” Sybil.

Why do people blog, think about it? Is it merely a rant against the world? A way to express feelings? A form of art? Either way, this blog for me is merely a way for me to avoid doing actual work when I’m bored, and creatively type all those conjumbled thoughts in my head onto a page in an effort to rid them from my mind. So far, it’s just making my hands cramp. I’ve never even read a blog before, they always seemed to be a jumble of words on a page of random nonsense that would cause me to waste two hours of my life I would never get back, kind of like facebook, or pinterest.

Anyways, It’s my senior year. I’m supposed to be interested in colleges and plotting my life together one microsecond at a time, but I can’t seem to figure that out. For the longest time Food Science was the center of my tiny existence, but over the course of a month or two I realized that wasn’t my calling, at least not yet it isn’t. I was thinking of going on a sort of road trip. Convent hopping. I want to do mission work for a year before entering into college, and if I went Convent hopping across America, not only would I experience the American culture at it’s grittiest, I could create stories that’ll last a lifetime. Convent hopping just seemed to me to be the most financially efficient anyways. I guess I should get back to that AP Government. May the Force be with you.

Favorite quote for the day:

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Feel free to comment below.... if you dare


  1. I'm actually very interested in university right now, just not that into the studying I need to be doing to get into university. Hence why I am currently commenting on your blog when there's less than three weeks to my exams (I think they're the SATs in America. Assuming you're American).

    I don't blog to rant. I just do it because I can :)
    Spontaneity is the essence of pleasure. Unless you're talking about combustion. Definitely not combustion.

    1. I just wanted to say I was reading your blog, and it's so profound. I wanted to cry it was so beautiful.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Why thank you! It's nice to know someone was reading it other than Ben and I. Ben is my imaginary friend, in case you're wondering :)

    4. Lol , Where Are You From ? :)

    5. My imaginary friend's name is sybil, but she's more of an alter ego

    6. I? From Sydney, Australia. Should I throw in the stereotypical 'G'day Mate'? ;)

      Oh, I totally understand. I mean, my alter-ego is called Maye, and she seems to appear when I have too much Pepsi and ice cream with Nutella :)

    7. No need to be stereotypical, unless I have to be a bad driver and give good massages, and paint nails for a living.

      Icecream with a nutella. What planet are you from? THAT IS BEAUTIFUL! Why didn't i think of that... you're a genius. no scratch that you're a Godsend. I want to moment... YOU'RE MY HERO!

    8. Actually, I'm an Indian Australian, and the only time we (immigrants) use it is for comical purposes. Which is not quite appropriate in the presence of white Australians. Ahem.

      Seriously? YOU'VE NEVER DONE THAT? Next thing you know, you'll be saying you've never put milo in you're ice creams and milkshakes either :D

    9. Forgive my incompetance because I know this will inflict some serious wrath, but what's milo? You want to talk about being an immigrant.. I'M adopted, FROM CHINA!

    10. Milo? It's the chocolate malt that you put in milk. Oh, I really didn't know they didn't have that in America O.O

      I want to adopt my children.

    11. Like Hershey's syrup?

      Adoption is beautiful.

    12. Oooooh... 80 you can put that on icecream... You're right, my life hasn't been complete, not ever. Not yet.

  2. The 'chicken' is called Lilly:)

    1. Did we actually name it? My bad, I'll have to change that...eventually :P You smart college girl ;P
