Oh tis the season of frantic shopping, over spending, financial ruin, fat men, rude shoppers, obnoxious sales people, repetitive overplayed songs, overpriced candy, and just a hint of holiday spirit. And that my friends sums up the beginning and end of this joyous occasion.. and yet
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the mall
Shoppers were pushing and having a brawl
The cashiers had set up the display cases with care
Then they watched as the mobs took it down with a tear.
The stores were all snug, filled with shoppers galore
Buying and buying, wanting, more and more.
I in my hoodie and my Dad in his cap
Walked into this mess, never suspecting the trap.
There we stood in that line for three hours
Just long enough, to make everyone sour
People were whining and throwing a fit
Stomping their feet and moaning a bit
It was annoying, and I was annoyed
This "joyous occasion" had destroyed all my joy.
I was sad, frustrated, angry, and confused.
So I sat and moped, and sang those sad blues.
Suddenly in the corner, a small voice was heard
It was a young girl singing, with a voice like a bird
A beautiful melody, about Peace on Earth,
and it was then that I decided to have some self-worth
The familiar carol, I knew all too well
Flew from my lungs, I was under the spell
I sang with that girl, as she finished the song
And some people joined in, and we all sang along
Then we sang more tunes, and the fog seemed to clear
Because this was a memory, we would always hold dear.
Singing in the mall, on that Christmas Eve
It gave me hope, it helped me to believe
That joy does exist in the littles places.
And these moments are to be cherished and never be wasted.
Merry Christmas.. one and all
Favorite Quote:
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did–in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car.
Did you know that armadillos can be housetrained? Neither did I...
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The Prodigal Son...(daughter)....(sister)...
Well, Ms. bright and beautiful landed on planet home last night, after 3 months away in the galaxy called college, where she has endeavored in the spiritual and freeing aspects that accompany limited parental access. She brought along with her an enormous suitcase filled with dirty laundry, the laptop she scored for $200, a waterbottle that filters itself, and news of the world, outside of our quaint little circle of life. Needless to say, I missed her.
And I'm pretty sure she missed us too...
Pretty sure...
And yet, after 3 months of limited communication, all I could think to say to her was, "Wow, I don't remember you being that short..."
Maybe it was the distance, maybe I've grown up, maybe we've both just changed, but I felt this awkward presence in the house ever since.
My parents atone my miserable mood to the fact that I'm jealous and feel neglected now that the glorious college student has finally come home. But that couldn't possibly true.
What really irks me though, is the fact that she treats me like I'm 7. Granted, yes, she's the older sister. Technically she has a certain inalienable right over me and my little sister, one that has existed ever since Cain and Able popped their little heads into humanity.
Here's an example. She was looking for this long pillow that she had in her room prior to her college-ing days, right? So she comes down stairs and bangs into my room. and I told her it wasn't in my room, but she ignored me and came in anyway. And told me she didn't trust me, and left. Whaaaat!?!
Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, and I'd do anything for her. But I'm a senior. A SENIOR! She thinks just cause she's been to college that she's all high and mighty up on her scholarship horse.
In the end, it really all comes down to, me. Me and my intolerance. It's really my fault this is causing me so much angst. She was just looking for her pillow, and I yelled at her. I need patience... Because My sister is one of the greatest people I know. She's so smart, and she's the only person who can make me fall off the couch laughing. She's so confident and okay with herself, it's unbearable.
She's beautiful, and wonderful, and you know we all have our faults. It's knowing that you can accept them, that makes us family.
Favorite Quote:
My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.
And I'm pretty sure she missed us too...
Pretty sure...
And yet, after 3 months of limited communication, all I could think to say to her was, "Wow, I don't remember you being that short..."
Maybe it was the distance, maybe I've grown up, maybe we've both just changed, but I felt this awkward presence in the house ever since.
My parents atone my miserable mood to the fact that I'm jealous and feel neglected now that the glorious college student has finally come home. But that couldn't possibly true.
What really irks me though, is the fact that she treats me like I'm 7. Granted, yes, she's the older sister. Technically she has a certain inalienable right over me and my little sister, one that has existed ever since Cain and Able popped their little heads into humanity.
Here's an example. She was looking for this long pillow that she had in her room prior to her college-ing days, right? So she comes down stairs and bangs into my room. and I told her it wasn't in my room, but she ignored me and came in anyway. And told me she didn't trust me, and left. Whaaaat!?!
Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, and I'd do anything for her. But I'm a senior. A SENIOR! She thinks just cause she's been to college that she's all high and mighty up on her scholarship horse.
In the end, it really all comes down to, me. Me and my intolerance. It's really my fault this is causing me so much angst. She was just looking for her pillow, and I yelled at her. I need patience... Because My sister is one of the greatest people I know. She's so smart, and she's the only person who can make me fall off the couch laughing. She's so confident and okay with herself, it's unbearable.
She's beautiful, and wonderful, and you know we all have our faults. It's knowing that you can accept them, that makes us family.
Favorite Quote:
My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
No touchy....no touch
I hate hugs. It makes my skin crawl. Everytime someone goes to give me a hug I get really tensed up and I just sit there with awkward back patting motions, hoping that my hug feels someone what warm and comforting.
Then there are those people who just have to touch you. It's like, they constantly need that 5th sense in their body to be constantly indulged with human interraction. And, frankly, I don't react well to such people. It normally starts with, "What do you think you're doing?" and ends with "Touch me again and I'll cut off your hands."
Then there are those people who just have to touch you. It's like, they constantly need that 5th sense in their body to be constantly indulged with human interraction. And, frankly, I don't react well to such people. It normally starts with, "What do you think you're doing?" and ends with "Touch me again and I'll cut off your hands."
Trust me, it's happened more than once. And everytime I just spaz out
Of course, I have such a double standard on this it's actually really embarassing, because I love giving hugs. I really do. I love snuggling and being enveloped by a human's arms. But I hate embracing hugs... it's weird.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
It's ok Mr. Turkey, I didn't forget about you
Now I know you all feel this way, because I do too. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THANKSGIVING? You walk into anystore right now and you are guaranteed to be smacked by Christmas. I know everyone is ranting about this, but I swear I was this close to punching someone when I walked into the grocery store looking for halloween candy and almost snowplowed santa to the ground. And it was like, "What are you doing here?"
In lieu of my pain, I wrote a poem.
Tis the Season
Although this season
should be jolly
Malls are filled with
Christmas folly
Clothes and shoes and
games galore
Line the shelves out
to the door
Stressed out parents
stand in line
Listening to their
children whine
Selfish people push
and shove
Never caring or
showing love
As I watched, very
Dazed men walked
around confused
Just trying to buy
their wives a gift
But instead get lost
in the frazzled rift
I think this season
has become
A competition to more
than some
While people strive
to buy the best
They put themselves
into more debt
Seems Christmas is
about getting more
Which is why this
season I do abhor
It's just frustrating, honestly. I love Thanksgiving, it's my favorite time of the year. It's the only time when not gaining 30 lbs while eating the holy grail of carbs is considered rude. And granted, yes it is a heartwarming celebration of family and gratefulness, but honestly, it might as well as be called Thank-the-dear-lord-mom's-a-great-cook day.
Favorite Quote:
Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I was feeling peachy
Tuesday... that day after Monday.
“Mondays are mundane, like Tuesdays minus 24 hours. ”
― Jarod Kintz, This Book Title is Invisible
Except for the fact that Tuesday is more like Monday plus 24 hours. Which if you think about it, is kind of depressing on a deep spiritual level that can only truly be understood by the sleep deprived. And of course this all ties back to my lack of sleep due to homework, activities, and my inability to shut the TV off at midnight. Netflix is just too beautiful.
Ok, does anyone here read a book, even a picture book? (haha I can just see your faces dropping with dread)
Favorite Books/Plays:
“Mondays are mundane, like Tuesdays minus 24 hours. ”
― Jarod Kintz, This Book Title is Invisible
Except for the fact that Tuesday is more like Monday plus 24 hours. Which if you think about it, is kind of depressing on a deep spiritual level that can only truly be understood by the sleep deprived. And of course this all ties back to my lack of sleep due to homework, activities, and my inability to shut the TV off at midnight. Netflix is just too beautiful.
Ok, does anyone here read a book, even a picture book? (haha I can just see your faces dropping with dread)
Now you have to understand, I don't hate books, I genuinely enjoy their presence on earth. However, this doesn't mean I spend my time sitting in the middle of a library surrounded by every novel I can get my hands on, completely ostrasizing my self from the real world, whose only friends are those in books, with no hopes of digging myself out of the fantasy reality I created for myself.
Unlike our little friend here...
But I do enjoy a good page turner here and there.
List of reasons why books can sometimes be beneficial in the "real world"
You Can...
- Ascertain a highly functional fully extraneous vocabulary
- Impress that super hot super smart nerd
- Chop it up and make art
- Learn the proper spelling of words like erogenous and introvert
- Pass the time
- Dig yourself out of the deepest pits of boredom
- I mean, worse comes to worse you could always just use it for firewood during a zombie apocalypse, who says you even have to read it?
- texts
- textbooks
- fastfood signs
- clothing tags
- facebook posts
- any kind of posts
- any kind of media
- movie titles
- anime titles
- t-shirts
- name brands
- my blog
Favorite Books/Plays:
- The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck
- Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
- The Giver by Lois Lowry
- Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
- Chocolate Wars by Robert Cormier
- A Street Car Named Desire by Tennesse Williams
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare
- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
- Othello by William Shakespeare
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
- Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
- Grendel by John Gardner
- Harry Potter (Every Book) by J.K. Rowling
Monday, November 4, 2013
Rebecca talking about hedgehogs will only make you sad again... yea I know.... now stop having a conversation with yourself and move on with the post...
So, my time has been well, in the gutter really. To be frank about it. I feel like I never have enough sleep and I'm constantly doing something and I never have time to just sit back and...relax. Is this a complaint? Well, yeah. It is. I really haven't put something clever and witty out in a while so I decided, TODAY IS THAT DAY... well actually to be more precise it would have to be TONIGHT IS THAT PRACTICALLY MIDNIGHT!
Whoever said senior year is easy LIED! Senior year was never easy. Whoever said that never went to my highschool, or highschool in general.
But thanks to my rigorous schedule of constant movement, that goal seems so unattainable right now, like as unreachable as pluto getting reinstated into NASA as a planet.
Anyways I tried to persuade my mom that getting a hedgehog would be beneficial in creating a calming and soothing atmosphere to the household, but she shot down my allegations with a stern look and "Aren't hedgehog's illegal in PA". The truth is, well yeah they are.. some idiot had to go label them a "wild animal"... I mean come on
Does that look like a wild animal to you? It's so cute! I wanna cry.... So whatever person said that, they must have been heartless heathens hell bent on the destruction of my happiness, but you know "whatever" for the good of mankind and all.
Well it's it's officially 54 minutes before midnight and I have to go rest my weary head on a pillow for 6 hours then revive myself. I swear, one day I'm just not going to wake up and my parents are going to have to use electric shock therapy just to pop some life back into my listless body. (Wow that kind of got intense...that should be real. People should sell electricity sticks and call them Shock-me-silly... or something tacky like that)
I really should get to bed, if I don't I might get branded the irresponsible one by the teachers if I keep falling asleep during their classes. (Hey it's not my fault the Religion classroom is really warm and soothing, and practically rocks me to sleep).
Quote for the Day:
The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.
Whoever said senior year is easy LIED! Senior year was never easy. Whoever said that never went to my highschool, or highschool in general.
But thanks to my rigorous schedule of constant movement, that goal seems so unattainable right now, like as unreachable as pluto getting reinstated into NASA as a planet.
Anyways I tried to persuade my mom that getting a hedgehog would be beneficial in creating a calming and soothing atmosphere to the household, but she shot down my allegations with a stern look and "Aren't hedgehog's illegal in PA". The truth is, well yeah they are.. some idiot had to go label them a "wild animal"... I mean come on
Does that look like a wild animal to you? It's so cute! I wanna cry.... So whatever person said that, they must have been heartless heathens hell bent on the destruction of my happiness, but you know "whatever" for the good of mankind and all.
Well it's it's officially 54 minutes before midnight and I have to go rest my weary head on a pillow for 6 hours then revive myself. I swear, one day I'm just not going to wake up and my parents are going to have to use electric shock therapy just to pop some life back into my listless body. (Wow that kind of got intense...that should be real. People should sell electricity sticks and call them Shock-me-silly... or something tacky like that)
I really should get to bed, if I don't I might get branded the irresponsible one by the teachers if I keep falling asleep during their classes. (Hey it's not my fault the Religion classroom is really warm and soothing, and practically rocks me to sleep).
Quote for the Day:
The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
An apple a day...makes me want to add caramel or cinnamon to spice it up
I have always been a foodie. Since birth. It's not even a joke, my mom said every time she would turn around I would have my mouth open ready to take a bite. In all the home videos of me as a toddler, I would always have a mouthful of something, causing my cheeks to puff out like a chipmunk. The only time I was seen food-less was... never actually.
Overtime this has developed into an eating disorder. An over-eating disorder. I think it's called gluttony... isn't that a sin?
One day my chinese metabolism is going to fail me, and I'm going to wake up a fat waddling asian. Then I'm going to have to exercise, which would be an extremely awkward due to the fact that I hate it.
Overtime this has developed into an eating disorder. An over-eating disorder. I think it's called gluttony... isn't that a sin?
One day my chinese metabolism is going to fail me, and I'm going to wake up a fat waddling asian. Then I'm going to have to exercise, which would be an extremely awkward due to the fact that I hate it.
I mean, it's not like I sit on the couch all day surrounded by tubs of Ice Cream and candy wrappers, watching Biggest Loser. I run cross country and I play volleyball, but that's only so I don't wake up a fat oompa loompa. Trust me, if I could literally sit down and not move and not get fat, I would totally do it. No shame. But I guess that's what weekends are for.
Of course, my over-eating isn't at all helped by my love of cooking, which probably stemmed from the gluttony. Cooking is a curse. Now, I'm one of the lucky ones who can cook, and I'm eternally grateful to my parents for embracing my passion in the subject as soon as I took an interest. Most teenagers at my age are completely lost in the kitchen, and even opening a can of soup can turn into a struggle. But the reason cooking is a curse is because it turns you into a total food snob. Suddenly, diners and restaurants just don't meet your expertise of a palette, and you get upset. I can no longer eat breakfast in a restaurant because, the eggs are always too dry, the pancakes are always too much fluff and not enough flavor, the bacon is always too greasy, and the toast is always toasted too much, and as a whole the meal just tastes like something out of a box, but that's just my opinion.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Cross country had just ended and my legs had officially hit that moment when you can't feel anything but a spinning pain. Then my mom walked in so I lay, very, very still..
But of course it didn't work because, mom's can see everything.
On that note.
Shout out to my mother, my wonderful shining star of a mother, who totally puts all your mothers to shame. That's right! It's my mom's birthday today.
My mom is one of the coolest people I know. (Disclaimer: This is going to turn into another one of those, MY HERO, stories so feel free to leave if you think you might be embarassed at how AWESOME my mom is.)
Well here's the thing, I used to hate my mom. Hate with this loathing that just ate out my insides and suffocated my heart. Everytime I saw her my blood pressure would rise, my fists would clench, and my heart would burn with a fire straight from hell. I felt like all she ever did was tell me what I was doing wrong. Nothing could ever be good enough, except of course my angelic older sister who God-forbid ever did anything wrong.
Then one day, it stopped. We started communicating (aha see that older blog coming into focus?). Talking. It did wonders.
Now my mom is my hero. Or well, one of them (I have a few)
She sews for a living, and can do anything from sewing on a button, to making a prom dress, from scratch. She even alters wedding dresses and makes curtains. I mean, who does that?
She also cooks amazing food, and shares my love of fooding. We can sit for hours eating food, and then hours afterward talking about how amazing it was.
She loves animals. Now I'm not talking, "Aww what a cute puppy", then walks away. No, my mom is "Aww look at that cute chicken!", then buys 6 of them. She did that with one of our parakeets, chickens, old rip'd hamster, our goldfish, and countless other pets that have made their way into our home.
My mom is a rockstar. She'll sit there and play just dance with us for a couple of hours on a rainy day. Or sit by the fire and talk about "the good old days". Or go sledding. Or...well you get the point.
She's a globetrekker. She practically lives in Italy, and even biked Tuscany one time. She adored Ireland, and thought Mexico was "exotic". She went to WYD 2011 in Spain, and visited France and Bermuda.
My mom is probably one of the funnniest people you will meet. Which explains why she's constantly surrounded by her friends. She's a good friend too. She'll do anything for a friend in need.
My mom has alot of friends.
My mom can smell guilt from a mile away.
My mom has eyes in the back of her head, and ears that can hear anything, and everything.
My mom's a spy. She knows EVERYTHING. There's no getting away with anything with her around.
My mom is the bomb.com. Jealous?
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
But of course it didn't work because, mom's can see everything.
On that note.
Shout out to my mother, my wonderful shining star of a mother, who totally puts all your mothers to shame. That's right! It's my mom's birthday today.
My mom is one of the coolest people I know. (Disclaimer: This is going to turn into another one of those, MY HERO, stories so feel free to leave if you think you might be embarassed at how AWESOME my mom is.)
Well here's the thing, I used to hate my mom. Hate with this loathing that just ate out my insides and suffocated my heart. Everytime I saw her my blood pressure would rise, my fists would clench, and my heart would burn with a fire straight from hell. I felt like all she ever did was tell me what I was doing wrong. Nothing could ever be good enough, except of course my angelic older sister who God-forbid ever did anything wrong.
Then one day, it stopped. We started communicating (aha see that older blog coming into focus?). Talking. It did wonders.
Now my mom is my hero. Or well, one of them (I have a few)
She sews for a living, and can do anything from sewing on a button, to making a prom dress, from scratch. She even alters wedding dresses and makes curtains. I mean, who does that?
She also cooks amazing food, and shares my love of fooding. We can sit for hours eating food, and then hours afterward talking about how amazing it was.
She loves animals. Now I'm not talking, "Aww what a cute puppy", then walks away. No, my mom is "Aww look at that cute chicken!", then buys 6 of them. She did that with one of our parakeets, chickens, old rip'd hamster, our goldfish, and countless other pets that have made their way into our home.
My mom is a rockstar. She'll sit there and play just dance with us for a couple of hours on a rainy day. Or sit by the fire and talk about "the good old days". Or go sledding. Or...well you get the point.
She's a globetrekker. She practically lives in Italy, and even biked Tuscany one time. She adored Ireland, and thought Mexico was "exotic". She went to WYD 2011 in Spain, and visited France and Bermuda.
My mom is probably one of the funnniest people you will meet. Which explains why she's constantly surrounded by her friends. She's a good friend too. She'll do anything for a friend in need.
My mom has alot of friends.
My mom can smell guilt from a mile away.
My mom has eyes in the back of her head, and ears that can hear anything, and everything.
My mom's a spy. She knows EVERYTHING. There's no getting away with anything with her around.
My mom is the bomb.com. Jealous?
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Imagine that
An imagination is the pathway to oblivion. It's like a free magical drug in your
brain that you can use at your own discretion.
When you're bored, lonely, scared, or just feeling the hate of the world, it can open up worlds of fantastic dreams that can take you away from reality, into a place where the impossible is possible.
The imagination creates things. Anything. When people say "Oh, well the sky's the limit" I just want to smack them because, hello didn't your history books ever tell you about that man in space. The sky was never the limit.
The imagination can create a best friend or a funny memory. It can yank your brain right out of it's body and pull it along in an epic quest to save the prince/princess. It can lead you through wonderland, with the sheer knowledge it's leading you to your death.
The imagination is my best friend.
Scenarios where having an imagination is extremely vital:
Meet Adam Wallacavage, He is the coolest guy I know. My parents are best friends with his sister and family, and my family has grown up hanging around them. He's this amazing artist that makes these bangin chandeliers that can only be described through the whimsical world of (can you guess) the imagination.
Go watch this video, NOW
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I don't have a dirty mind. I have a sexy imagination.
When you're bored, lonely, scared, or just feeling the hate of the world, it can open up worlds of fantastic dreams that can take you away from reality, into a place where the impossible is possible.
The imagination creates things. Anything. When people say "Oh, well the sky's the limit" I just want to smack them because, hello didn't your history books ever tell you about that man in space. The sky was never the limit.
The imagination can create a best friend or a funny memory. It can yank your brain right out of it's body and pull it along in an epic quest to save the prince/princess. It can lead you through wonderland, with the sheer knowledge it's leading you to your death.
The imagination is my best friend.
Scenarios where having an imagination is extremely vital:
- Long Car Rides
- Long Lectures
- Any kind of lecture
- When adult figures are speaking
- When talking to someone you hate
- Art
- Projects
- When you have a 3 page paper due in 5 hours and you need that extra boost of inspiration
- When you need a post subject when writing a blog
- When your parents won't let you have a hedgehog because illegal in your state
- Church
- While sitting in Jail
Meet Adam Wallacavage, He is the coolest guy I know. My parents are best friends with his sister and family, and my family has grown up hanging around them. He's this amazing artist that makes these bangin chandeliers that can only be described through the whimsical world of (can you guess) the imagination.
Go watch this video, NOW
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I don't have a dirty mind. I have a sexy imagination.
Friday, October 11, 2013
I think I'm invisible. Well, not true. Walking into that locker door yesterday really proved that to me.
No, I feel invisble.
Dad: (to my mom) Bye honey I love you
Me: Bye dad, I love you
Dad: *silence*
Little Sister: Hey mom do you want something to drink?
Me: Yes, I would
Little Sister: Oh, yeah I forgot about you
Mom: Bridget (my little sister) Do you want some ice in your drink?
Me: Yes, thanks for asking
Mom: Hey Bridget (my little sister), do you want to watch a movie for me?
Me: No, thanks.
Then, to make matters worse, this morning my bus drove right past me. There I was standing outside, minding my own business, patiently waiting in the rain, while slowly coughing up my lungs, and the bus drove up to my stop, and kept going...
I almost wanted to run after the bus, but I gave up. My rainbooties just weren't cut out for the chase.
Maybe I'm not invisible, maybe I'm just slow...
I feel like that penguin. "Hey, where's everybody going :("
That's been me on more than one occasion. And frankly, it's embarassing. Then everyone's always like "Hmm? What did ya say? Oh where you speaking?" I'm not blaming anyone for my own obliviousness, I'm just throwing it out there.
Favorite Quote:
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back.
No, I feel invisble.
Dad: (to my mom) Bye honey I love you
Me: Bye dad, I love you
Dad: *silence*
Little Sister: Hey mom do you want something to drink?
Me: Yes, I would
Little Sister: Oh, yeah I forgot about you
Mom: Bridget (my little sister) Do you want some ice in your drink?
Me: Yes, thanks for asking
Mom: Hey Bridget (my little sister), do you want to watch a movie for me?
Me: No, thanks.
Then, to make matters worse, this morning my bus drove right past me. There I was standing outside, minding my own business, patiently waiting in the rain, while slowly coughing up my lungs, and the bus drove up to my stop, and kept going...
I almost wanted to run after the bus, but I gave up. My rainbooties just weren't cut out for the chase.
Maybe I'm not invisible, maybe I'm just slow...
I feel like that penguin. "Hey, where's everybody going :("
That's been me on more than one occasion. And frankly, it's embarassing. Then everyone's always like "Hmm? What did ya say? Oh where you speaking?" I'm not blaming anyone for my own obliviousness, I'm just throwing it out there.
Favorite Quote:
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Epic-ness of inbed sickness
Yesterday's in-bed-sickness was a mixture of upsetting and depressing, with just a hint of boredom. I woke up with a choke that ended with a sob of relief when my mom told me she wouldn't require me to attend school, due to my inability to stand on my own two feet without collapsing in a pool of weakness.
I mean
To make matters worse the internet broke down, so I didn't even have pictures of cats, strangers, or netflix to keep me company.
So there I was, a teenager, home alone, all day. My possibilities were endless. Ferris Bueler here I come.
Psych! There was NO WAY on God's green earth I was moving my limbs.Think of me like a hippie during a sit in. Not budging my buttinsky for anything.
Instead, I watched The Shining and Finding Nemo, while eating the my mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Just smelling the soup made me feel one step closer to healthy. I slept alot too. My gimpy dog helped keep me company (by laying flat and taking up half the bed space, while kicking me in the back when I got to close to him). God love him.
Anyway, today I was able to be a (practically) fully functioning citizen in the eyes of the law, and I made my way to school.
I'm a huge anime watcher. (Yes I know, "WOW! You're an ASIAN and you like ANIME!", what a shocker). The point is, if you're also a fellow anime watcher, might I just throw out a couple of titles that have really brightened my world for the better.
Disney's the same way. Where would we be without Disney? We'd probably be childhood-less zombies, droning around, spouting out math homework as a means of entertainment, sitting down with nostalgia for something we didn't even know we lost. It would be depressing. Disney created my childhood. I grew up watching all the classics. I'm still growing up watching all the classics.
One of my friend's is actually a part of the whole Disney fandom. I'm not as immersed, but I can appreciate Disney on a much deeper level than the average human being would consider healthy. The ironic thing: I've never been to Disney World.
I mean
To make matters worse the internet broke down, so I didn't even have pictures of cats, strangers, or netflix to keep me company.
So there I was, a teenager, home alone, all day. My possibilities were endless. Ferris Bueler here I come.
Psych! There was NO WAY on God's green earth I was moving my limbs.Think of me like a hippie during a sit in. Not budging my buttinsky for anything.
Instead, I watched The Shining and Finding Nemo, while eating the my mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Just smelling the soup made me feel one step closer to healthy. I slept alot too. My gimpy dog helped keep me company (by laying flat and taking up half the bed space, while kicking me in the back when I got to close to him). God love him.
Anyway, today I was able to be a (practically) fully functioning citizen in the eyes of the law, and I made my way to school.
I'm a huge anime watcher. (Yes I know, "WOW! You're an ASIAN and you like ANIME!", what a shocker). The point is, if you're also a fellow anime watcher, might I just throw out a couple of titles that have really brightened my world for the better.
- Hetalia (English Dub)
- Trigun (English Dub)
- Death Note (English Dub)
- Elfen Lied (English Dub)
- Avatar the Last Airbender (not the blue alien people, not the stupid movie who ruined the anime, the series Book 1, 2, and 3)
- Black Butler (English Dub)
- Ghost Stories (English Dub)
- Baka n Test (English Dub)
Disney's the same way. Where would we be without Disney? We'd probably be childhood-less zombies, droning around, spouting out math homework as a means of entertainment, sitting down with nostalgia for something we didn't even know we lost. It would be depressing. Disney created my childhood. I grew up watching all the classics. I'm still growing up watching all the classics.
One of my friend's is actually a part of the whole Disney fandom. I'm not as immersed, but I can appreciate Disney on a much deeper level than the average human being would consider healthy. The ironic thing: I've never been to Disney World.
Favorite Quote(s): Well this is awkward because I forgot to put favorite quotes for like, 3 of the pages, So I'll make up for it now...
Monday, October 7, 2013
I apologize...
Sorry I haven't been on in a while... I had a laser tag party, SATs, a craft show, and a lazy day. Miss me?
Anyhoo today's a sick day. You know those mornings where you wake up all, "echblechenle" but you think "You'll feel better soon, it's just morning ich". So you hold out and go to school.
Then you get to school and it hits you, that you still feel like you got dragged underneath the school bus, while it was raining and minus 2 degrees out side, then you got dumped in a mud puddle.
That's basically the start and end of my day. I've got this nasty nose/head/congestion thing that's giving me shivers. So I'm sitting there, and I'm trying not to show I'm sick but what what I see is totally different to how other people perceive me.
Anyhoo today's a sick day. You know those mornings where you wake up all, "echblechenle" but you think "You'll feel better soon, it's just morning ich". So you hold out and go to school.
Then you get to school and it hits you, that you still feel like you got dragged underneath the school bus, while it was raining and minus 2 degrees out side, then you got dumped in a mud puddle.
That's basically the start and end of my day. I've got this nasty nose/head/congestion thing that's giving me shivers. So I'm sitting there, and I'm trying not to show I'm sick but what what I see is totally different to how other people perceive me.
Because as soon as I walked into school, my class stopped and went, "Are you sick?".. The aftermath of that sort of went with "Go away, no one wants you here, you're gonna get us all sick, LEAVE!"
The point is, how do other people perceive you.
I don't know about you,
but my voice sounds like a duuuude,
everything will be alright if I never ever moooove,
What if I have to pee?
Or sneeze or cough or puuuuke?
Everything will be alright if, I can just make it to the
bathroooOOOOoom. BathroooOOOOOoom.
Ok well that was off topic. What I was trying to say was
"I don't know about you, but I love to people watch"..
It's my favorite past time. I play this game where I sit in the coffee shop and give everybody that passes a name, a story, and a personality. I also play the game where you play future me... For instance. Say this..gir- no...bo- no...person was walking by.
So I would go:
This is me in about 10 years. I was so sick of living the refined society life, that i skipped town and reconstructed my face so I would be unrecognizeable, but the surgeon messed up. Then I ran off and joined a hippie colony where I've been living for the past 3 years. During those three years I grew dreds, sang to a whale, saved the gecko speckled leather bellied fish, and made this awesome rasta cap. Today is my one day out of the colony, and I decided I was craving a caffeinated beverage.
So that's how you play. But the funny thing is, how does that...person... perceive....itself...??
There's nothing I wouldn't give (not true I totally wouldn't give up netflix...everything else is okay though), to spend one day in another person's brain, just to see how other people see me. I'd give (almost) anything.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Girls are never satisfied. It's a part of our design, our DNA. We're constantly striving for greatness, and even when we attain it, it's never good enough. We're never content with who we are.
We struggle, and we try to make ourselves better through a plethora of materialistic things like makeup, gyms, diets, high heels, clothing, liposuction, breast implants, face lifts, shaving, waxing, and a couple of things too horrible to even mention. Why are we never content?
Guys are always content, but that's not really taking into account that a guy can go to bed and wake up looking even better than he did the day before.
Girls on the other hand, struggle in the morning. Have you ever had one of those days where you stumble your way to the bathroom and all you can see is
This is my morning every morning. Of course my first reaction is to splash alittle morning freshness on my face, so all my makeup smears down my front with a look that can only be described as horrifying.
It's hard being a girl. We do so much, and for what? FOR WHAT? Guys can look at you and go, "You look nice today", when you actually look like that guy from Kiss. And all you can do is look at them and say,
"I look like the Joker"
"Oooh I love her pants"
"OMG what IS she wearing?"
"Is she really wearing that?"
"Is that Armani?"
We're insecure, and we don't have to be. We are beautiful, beautiful creatures.
Favorite Quote for the Day:
Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn't help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.
― Audrey Hepburn
We struggle, and we try to make ourselves better through a plethora of materialistic things like makeup, gyms, diets, high heels, clothing, liposuction, breast implants, face lifts, shaving, waxing, and a couple of things too horrible to even mention. Why are we never content?
Guys are always content, but that's not really taking into account that a guy can go to bed and wake up looking even better than he did the day before.
Girls on the other hand, struggle in the morning. Have you ever had one of those days where you stumble your way to the bathroom and all you can see is
This is my morning every morning. Of course my first reaction is to splash alittle morning freshness on my face, so all my makeup smears down my front with a look that can only be described as horrifying.
It's hard being a girl. We do so much, and for what? FOR WHAT? Guys can look at you and go, "You look nice today", when you actually look like that guy from Kiss. And all you can do is look at them and say,
"I look like the Joker"
.... and walk away.
Girls don't look nice for guys, even though that's what they think. We, girls, look nice for other girls. Why is that? It's been this way forever. Guys could actually care less about what the girl is wearing, as opposed to how little the girl is wearing. Girls are the ones who sit there and go, "Oooh I love her pants"
"OMG what IS she wearing?"
"Is she really wearing that?"
"Is that Armani?"
We're insecure, and we don't have to be. We are beautiful, beautiful creatures.
Favorite Quote for the Day:
Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn't help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.
― Audrey Hepburn
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Talk about a communication barrier
We all have those moments in life, where we feel that our point just isn't getting across. Sometimes it never will, and we have to accept that. There are a vast variety of reasons in which this situation might occur.
Do you remember those days in kindergarten where you'd walk in and everybody would inform you that it was opposite day, so you were forced to spend the whole day getting confused, and by the end you were practically in tears because you were just being misunderstood, because you meant "no" but they thought you meant "yes", which caused you to have a headache and sore throat, so you were forced to go home and relate to your mom how mean kids are, so she'd feed you a Popsicle and your life would move on?
Do you have ever have those days where you're just like
So you set out on an epic quest to find someone remotely intelligent, but end up talking to
So you're forced to go online and argue with strangers over why baby animals are sooo much cuter than babies. And by the end of this you just have to sit down, and acknowledge that you live on planet earth.
Those days occur more often than we care to admit. I submit that instead of getting all annoyed, embrace the day, because
Those "idiots" are your best friends who will drop everything they're doing if you're in need.
Those "idiots" are the only ones who know your deepest fears, and will stop at nothing to make sure they don't come true.
Those "idiots" are your family and friends who truly care about you
Those "idiots" make you laugh harder than any intelligent person ever could
Those "idiots" give you stories that will make you smile for years to come
Those "idiots" create the perfect balance of love and support
Those "idiots" are the only ones who take care of you if you fall ill
Those "idiots" are your best friends
Embrace the idiots, because you know that most days, you're one of them. And you're proud of it
- Maybe the person you're talking too just doesn't hold the brain capacity to understand the complex nation of Disney Politics.
- Maybe to them, you sound like an idiot babbling on about the dynamics of the kangaroo's pouch
- Maybe you are an idiot babbling on about how beautiful Matt Smith is
- Maybe they're the idiot because they can't understand that Zuko was just misunderstood
- Maybe it's a language barrier and you're trying to mime your way through a conversation
- Maybe you still speak the same language and there's a language barrier because that person doesn't speak smart like you do
- Maybe that person speaks smart and you're just dumb
- Maybe the world wants you to pick on you for the day by creating a situation where you're forced to interact with the human race
- Maybe you're an alien.
Do you remember those days in kindergarten where you'd walk in and everybody would inform you that it was opposite day, so you were forced to spend the whole day getting confused, and by the end you were practically in tears because you were just being misunderstood, because you meant "no" but they thought you meant "yes", which caused you to have a headache and sore throat, so you were forced to go home and relate to your mom how mean kids are, so she'd feed you a Popsicle and your life would move on?
Do you have ever have those days where you're just like
So you set out on an epic quest to find someone remotely intelligent, but end up talking to
So you're forced to go online and argue with strangers over why baby animals are sooo much cuter than babies. And by the end of this you just have to sit down, and acknowledge that you live on planet earth.
Those days occur more often than we care to admit. I submit that instead of getting all annoyed, embrace the day, because
Those "idiots" are your best friends who will drop everything they're doing if you're in need.
Those "idiots" are the only ones who know your deepest fears, and will stop at nothing to make sure they don't come true.
Those "idiots" are your family and friends who truly care about you
Those "idiots" make you laugh harder than any intelligent person ever could
Those "idiots" give you stories that will make you smile for years to come
Those "idiots" create the perfect balance of love and support
Those "idiots" are the only ones who take care of you if you fall ill
Those "idiots" are your best friends
Embrace the idiots, because you know that most days, you're one of them. And you're proud of it
Favorite Quote for the Day:
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Ok this one's a rant
I think I have anger issues.
I was trying to straighten up the house for my mom, when my little sister just flat out refused to help. Then she started stomping around because I wouldn't let her use the phone to call her little friends until she put away her bike. Then when I asked her where I could put her folder because I was trying to clean up, she turned around and screamed "I'M STILL USING THAT!"....
So being the totally cool, calm, collected, and role model sister that I am, I threw her folder down, and kicked it so it went flying across the room, hitting her backpack with a loud THWACK.
Of course, then she started sobbing and while grabbing her folder ran upstairs to nurse her wounds, which if you ask me, where totally self-inflicted.
Do I have anger issues? Is that normal? Of course as soon as that first tear hit the floor, an onpouring of guilt washed over me like that tsunami that smashed into poor old little Japan. (Funny story: my little sister's asian, so the analogy kind of works)
But of course, after the initial denial that any part of her grief was my fault, I realized that my delivery could have been alittle smoother.
Then my parents came home, and were super happy with the cleaned house for all of 15 minutes...
I had set the nook ontop of the toaster...not thinking...and well the toaster got turned on and the nook got hot....really hot. And all of a sudden everyone's flipping out over "WHO PUT THE NOOK ON THE TOASTER!"
Well I told them it was me, and I turned on the nook while they were still flipping out and it still works... Then my dad got all upset that I didn't react with a "OMG!" and an overraction like him. Then he gets on this soap box about how, "You don't care. Why don't you care? Stuff like that doesn't grow on trees. You're so ungrateful...blehblehbleh." When I just had to sit there and acknowledge the fact, that cleaning the house, and helping to cook, and doing all the shit I do was not even being taken into account. Maybe I'm wrong here. I probably am. The whole self-blame process takes alittle longer for me.
I'm so tired...I think I'm just going to quit for the day, the next post will be better, I promise.
Comment below if you think I'm in the wrong, criticism from strangers is so much easier to take.
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I hate two-faced people. It's so hard to decide which face to slap first.
I was trying to straighten up the house for my mom, when my little sister just flat out refused to help. Then she started stomping around because I wouldn't let her use the phone to call her little friends until she put away her bike. Then when I asked her where I could put her folder because I was trying to clean up, she turned around and screamed "I'M STILL USING THAT!"....
So being the totally cool, calm, collected, and role model sister that I am, I threw her folder down, and kicked it so it went flying across the room, hitting her backpack with a loud THWACK.
All the while I'm standing there huffing like a steam engine.
Of course, then she started sobbing and while grabbing her folder ran upstairs to nurse her wounds, which if you ask me, where totally self-inflicted.
Do I have anger issues? Is that normal? Of course as soon as that first tear hit the floor, an onpouring of guilt washed over me like that tsunami that smashed into poor old little Japan. (Funny story: my little sister's asian, so the analogy kind of works)
But of course, after the initial denial that any part of her grief was my fault, I realized that my delivery could have been alittle smoother.
Then my parents came home, and were super happy with the cleaned house for all of 15 minutes...
I had set the nook ontop of the toaster...not thinking...and well the toaster got turned on and the nook got hot....really hot. And all of a sudden everyone's flipping out over "WHO PUT THE NOOK ON THE TOASTER!"
Well I told them it was me, and I turned on the nook while they were still flipping out and it still works... Then my dad got all upset that I didn't react with a "OMG!" and an overraction like him. Then he gets on this soap box about how, "You don't care. Why don't you care? Stuff like that doesn't grow on trees. You're so ungrateful...blehblehbleh." When I just had to sit there and acknowledge the fact, that cleaning the house, and helping to cook, and doing all the shit I do was not even being taken into account. Maybe I'm wrong here. I probably am. The whole self-blame process takes alittle longer for me.
I'm so tired...I think I'm just going to quit for the day, the next post will be better, I promise.
Comment below if you think I'm in the wrong, criticism from strangers is so much easier to take.
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I hate two-faced people. It's so hard to decide which face to slap first.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
In 20 years...
So there I was, having a very normal, relaxing day.
Granted my brain was suffering from acute boredom, but that was nothing that couldn't be cured with a little English Class. I absolutely adore English. The creative writing, the expressive gestures, the intense plots interwined throughout literature. It makes me cry, I'm so happy in that class. Anyway, our teacher started this new thing, where she writes an essay prompt on the board, and we have exactly 5 minutes to write as much as we can on said prompt. The minimum amount is 3/4ths of a page. I know it doesn't seem like much, but when you're attempting to gather your thoughts, and your hand's cramping things can get real intense, real quick,
but that's not what I want to talk about. The essay prompt is what really sparked my intense desire to write this post.
Here's what she wrote:
Coral: We still have to name them...
Marlin: You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right.
Marlin: [points to the eggs on the left side of the nest] We'll name this half Marlin Jr.,
Marlin: [points to the eggs on the right side] And then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done.
[Marlin leaves]
Coral: I like Nemo.
Marlin: [Comes back] Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo, but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Jr.
Granted my brain was suffering from acute boredom, but that was nothing that couldn't be cured with a little English Class. I absolutely adore English. The creative writing, the expressive gestures, the intense plots interwined throughout literature. It makes me cry, I'm so happy in that class. Anyway, our teacher started this new thing, where she writes an essay prompt on the board, and we have exactly 5 minutes to write as much as we can on said prompt. The minimum amount is 3/4ths of a page. I know it doesn't seem like much, but when you're attempting to gather your thoughts, and your hand's cramping things can get real intense, real quick,
but that's not what I want to talk about. The essay prompt is what really sparked my intense desire to write this post.
Here's what she wrote:
In 20 years I will be...
And it really got me thinking. In 20 years where will I be?
Will I finally make it through college and become that food scientist wearing one of those dashing white lab coats that flatter everyone?
Will I be sweating in the congo, embracing the culture and eating larvae on a stick on a mission trip?
Will I have a family, with a thousand kids all running around? Now if that happened I'm pretty sure it'd go something like..
Coral: We still have to name them...
Marlin: You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right.
Marlin: [points to the eggs on the left side of the nest] We'll name this half Marlin Jr.,
Marlin: [points to the eggs on the right side] And then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done.
[Marlin leaves]
Coral: I like Nemo.
Marlin: [Comes back] Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo, but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Jr.
(Except my Nemo will probably be Gandalph, or Frodo, or Matt Smith, or Shang, or Zuko, or Ralph, or Flynn Rider, or Ping, or... well you get the point)...
Will I travel the world?
Will I have accomplished my hopes and dreams?
Will I be an impending midlife crisis just waiting to happen?
Will I still be single and alone with a dozen chickens and a hamster named Peanut?
Will I get to own that volkswagon bug painted like a lady bug?
Will I be successful?
Will I be legendary?
And I realized, after all of this... It doesn't really matter where I am in 20 years. It's the journey of getting there that counts. Maybe I'll finally be able to look Matt Smith in the eye and say, "Hello, Sweetie" (River song is as close to perfection as you can get as a woman), or maybe I'll be a homeless 30 yr old, still living in their parents basement playing call of duty with no ambitions. Who knows? I can only hope, that in 30 years, instead of being boring old Rebecca, I'll be Rebecca 2.0.... Changed for the better. As long as I'm a better person then than I am now. I think I'll be okay.
Favorite Quote for the Day:
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Oh look, Sunday night again.
So, well, it's sunday again. Sunday around the same time I began this blog, exactly one week prior, and wouldn't you know it, I have AP Gov homework that I'm procrastinating from. I've come full circle as the world would say. Thanks to all you beautiful people reading my blog, I've had over 350 page views, which I think's a perrrrrty darn good number for 1 week. That fact that my parents found out about this blog, and embraced it was pretty monumental too.
It's like..
I'm not really allowed to be anywhere unsupervised. If you haven't noticed from my posts, I have a sort of ADHD. I'm just really, really bad at focusing. I'll be in the middle of a conversation and completely drift off.
I also get lost really easily. As in I've gotten lost on my way to class, which is right across the hall from my locker easily (I ended up in the basement). It's happened multiple times.
I'm really oblivious and forgetful. I can't tell you how many times I've opened and reopened the fridge forgetting that I've already looked. Or stood there with a pen in my hand going, "I CAN'T FIND MY PEN!" Or... well you get the point. The fact that I still remember this blog exists is a miracle in itself.
I went to the beach with some of my friend's this past summer, and to keep track of me, my friend (well I thought we were friends until she decided to ask the whole class if they wanted to go to the italian festival, and didn't ask me), Marielle, devised a foolproof system. Marco Polo. Everytime I would drift away someone would yell out "Marco!" and I'd have to respond with "Polo." If I didn't, then they'd send someone after me to make sure I didn't fall off a lighthouse or something.
It's like..
I also get lost really easily. As in I've gotten lost on my way to class, which is right across the hall from my locker easily (I ended up in the basement). It's happened multiple times.
I'm really oblivious and forgetful. I can't tell you how many times I've opened and reopened the fridge forgetting that I've already looked. Or stood there with a pen in my hand going, "I CAN'T FIND MY PEN!" Or... well you get the point. The fact that I still remember this blog exists is a miracle in itself.
I went to the beach with some of my friend's this past summer, and to keep track of me, my friend (well I thought we were friends until she decided to ask the whole class if they wanted to go to the italian festival, and didn't ask me), Marielle, devised a foolproof system. Marco Polo. Everytime I would drift away someone would yell out "Marco!" and I'd have to respond with "Polo." If I didn't, then they'd send someone after me to make sure I didn't fall off a lighthouse or something.
I can make it to the grocery store and back most of the time...and I can also make it to my school (but I have to take the bus route, and make all the stops) Other than that, however, I'm pretty confused...
The "..." (oh look it makes a face too) symbolizes the lack of imagination and blankness my brain experiences every couple of minutes or so. My mom says it's the sign that I'm a genius and my thoughts are just moving too quickly for my brain to comprehend... I think I'm just slow...
You know what they should create? gps stickers. I'd stick them on EVERYTHING! How awesome would that be. You're sitting there, "where's my favorite shirt." So you go to your gps tracker and bam, you find out you're wearing said favorite shirt. And the problem's solved. Harassment free.
Quick shout out to Kathryn Shronk whose birthday party was last night!
Favorite Quote for Today:
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Those days...
Today I was laying on the couch with absolutely no plans, no ideas, and no ambitions what so ever. So you know what I did? That's right I walked inside my room, picked out a really cute outfit, did my hair and makeup all nice, and sat back down on the couch with a
Well that was fun!
Then I flicked on netflix, and watched about 2 hours of Doctor Who and all of Book 1 of Avatar the Last Airbender (NOT THE MOVIE, the totally awesome super fantastical series). It was at that moment I realized... I have no life. So what did I do? I roused my lifeless body from the couch and opened the fridge, sighed, then opened the cabinet. Seeing nothing I decided to look in the fridge and cabinet again, but nothing new was in there. So I opened the freezer and..
Afterwards, I gave up and made popcorn and settled back down, preparing for a marathon of Phineas and Ferb. I absolutely adore Doofenshmirtz, from Drusselstein (the land of many goats). As I grabbed my Matt Smith Pillow my little sister made me, my dad walked in:
Dad: What are you doing?
Me: Nothing productive...
Well that was that. He shrugged, chuckled, and went upstairs to take a nap. As I sat there, I acknowledged the fact that I hadn't shaved since the beginning of the school year (the uniforms have knee-high socks, which hide my dirty little secret) so I took a shower. To quote Jenna Marbles "There are those who pee in the shower, and those who lie." Well you can guess where I was going with that. Then I had many deep philosophical thoughts about my life for about 45 minutes. By the time I made it out, the bathroom was one big gas chamber, and my fingers looked like old people. So I took a nap. Ate. Watched more TV, and started writing on this blog. I think I'm going to go play Animal Crossing: City folk, next...if I can get my little sister to hand over the remote....
Favorite Quote for the Day:
Afterwards, I gave up and made popcorn and settled back down, preparing for a marathon of Phineas and Ferb. I absolutely adore Doofenshmirtz, from Drusselstein (the land of many goats). As I grabbed my Matt Smith Pillow my little sister made me, my dad walked in:
Dad: What are you doing?
Me: Nothing productive...
Well that was that. He shrugged, chuckled, and went upstairs to take a nap. As I sat there, I acknowledged the fact that I hadn't shaved since the beginning of the school year (the uniforms have knee-high socks, which hide my dirty little secret) so I took a shower. To quote Jenna Marbles "There are those who pee in the shower, and those who lie." Well you can guess where I was going with that. Then I had many deep philosophical thoughts about my life for about 45 minutes. By the time I made it out, the bathroom was one big gas chamber, and my fingers looked like old people. So I took a nap. Ate. Watched more TV, and started writing on this blog. I think I'm going to go play Animal Crossing: City folk, next...if I can get my little sister to hand over the remote....
Favorite Quote for the Day:
I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
Pregnancy is not an option....part two
I guess I left the last post off on a weird note... but you know, stuff like that isn't good for the morning, it put's a damper on your day. I had to eat a pack of Ritz Peanut Butter crackers, a bagel, and some peach snapple before I could pull myself out of the dark hole it sunk me into. I decided to finish because
If you haven't looked at part one, take a quick peek at it, just so you're not confused.
A beautiful girl from "down under" commented asking me about adoption so I decided to start off with that.
Adoption can be a sensitive topic, but it doesn't have to be. I have two other sisters adopted from China as well. Maybe one day I'll write down the story.
My parents are great, they're super, super open about the whole adoption thing. (I mean it's seeing as you know, Dad's Irish, Mom's Italian, and they have three asian daughters...it's kind of hard to hide). Anyways being adopted was never a negative thing, my mom would always say to me, "You know, normal kids, their parents were stuck with what they got. Me and your Father, we chose you."
But that's not to say it wasn't hard. It was always hard. I remember one time they asked us to do a family tree, so I drew a picture of me with a question mark over my head... I got an "A+"
I don't know when my birthday is. I know it seems like a little thing, but you don't know what you're missing if you've never not had it. Of course, now I can wake up everyday and wish myself a happy birthday, because every day is my Birthday.
I always feel out of place. Sometimes I don't even feel comfortable in my own skin. But I always have the saying, "Nurture not Nature." Just because my mom didn't birth me, doesn't mean anything. I have her personality, her creative artistic view at the world, and her ability to make anyone feel comfortable and safe. I have my Dad's love of science. I have his love of music, and his respect of politics.
People often ask me if I'd ever go back. You know, to China. I did. I went when I was in third grade to adopt my little sister, Bridget. She was so cute. Funny story though, she looked like a boy when she was a baby, and I was so freaked out I made my mom check the diaper.
I never want to meet my birth mother... and if given the chance, I don't know if I'd have the courage too. I love my parents, and I'm happy with them. My mom is my mom and my dad is my dad. It's that simple. It makes no difference if they birthed me or not.
I forgave my birth mother. It took a while, and lots and lots of therapy. I had alot of anger and sadness, but I've learned to trust and let go. No matter the circumstances, she chose life. She chose not to kill me. She decided that I was more than a fetus, I was a child, and she chose life. I love her for it, forever and always.
Sorry this post was such a downer, I just had to finish... the next one will be better. I promise. It's also my time of the month so I probably made this much more depressing than it had be. On that happy note...
Favorite Quote of the Day:
- I'm getting some sushi in about an hour so I'll be able to release any tension this decided to slap down onto my soul.
- I'm not running anymore (see "Oh dear...)
- It'll be nice to get this out of the way
If you haven't looked at part one, take a quick peek at it, just so you're not confused.
A beautiful girl from "down under" commented asking me about adoption so I decided to start off with that.
Adoption can be a sensitive topic, but it doesn't have to be. I have two other sisters adopted from China as well. Maybe one day I'll write down the story.
My parents are great, they're super, super open about the whole adoption thing. (I mean it's seeing as you know, Dad's Irish, Mom's Italian, and they have three asian daughters...it's kind of hard to hide). Anyways being adopted was never a negative thing, my mom would always say to me, "You know, normal kids, their parents were stuck with what they got. Me and your Father, we chose you."
But that's not to say it wasn't hard. It was always hard. I remember one time they asked us to do a family tree, so I drew a picture of me with a question mark over my head... I got an "A+"
I don't know when my birthday is. I know it seems like a little thing, but you don't know what you're missing if you've never not had it. Of course, now I can wake up everyday and wish myself a happy birthday, because every day is my Birthday.
I always feel out of place. Sometimes I don't even feel comfortable in my own skin. But I always have the saying, "Nurture not Nature." Just because my mom didn't birth me, doesn't mean anything. I have her personality, her creative artistic view at the world, and her ability to make anyone feel comfortable and safe. I have my Dad's love of science. I have his love of music, and his respect of politics.
People often ask me if I'd ever go back. You know, to China. I did. I went when I was in third grade to adopt my little sister, Bridget. She was so cute. Funny story though, she looked like a boy when she was a baby, and I was so freaked out I made my mom check the diaper.
I never want to meet my birth mother... and if given the chance, I don't know if I'd have the courage too. I love my parents, and I'm happy with them. My mom is my mom and my dad is my dad. It's that simple. It makes no difference if they birthed me or not.
I forgave my birth mother. It took a while, and lots and lots of therapy. I had alot of anger and sadness, but I've learned to trust and let go. No matter the circumstances, she chose life. She chose not to kill me. She decided that I was more than a fetus, I was a child, and she chose life. I love her for it, forever and always.
Sorry this post was such a downer, I just had to finish... the next one will be better. I promise. It's also my time of the month so I probably made this much more depressing than it had be. On that happy note...
Favorite Quote of the Day:
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Pregnancy is not an option
I love babies. I really do. They're cute, and cuddly, and fuzzy, and fluffy. They're like living teddy bears. But pregnancy is not an option. I'm a five foot asian and me pushing out a baby, would be like trying to squeeze a watermelon out of the leg of a 00 pair of skinny jeans. NOT POSSIBLE!
But, I am a tremendous advocate for adoption, seeing as I am adopted, so I totally support the whole process
I often wonder what my birth mother was like. Being adopted from China really leaves alot of holes in my life, like who she actually is, who she was, what my birthday is, how old am I really, who was my father, do I have any brother's or sisters, why did she give me away... You know all those light easy and fun topics we discuss over the dinner table. Sometimes I don't feel 100% chinese. Maybe my dad was white. I don't really know, but over the years people have expressed their views on my parentage, and most conclude with the idea that my I'm a mix. So that got me thinking about how my mom would or could have gotten pregnant with a white guy, and came to the conclussion that she must be a prostitute....more on this later, it's alot to think about
But, I am a tremendous advocate for adoption, seeing as I am adopted, so I totally support the whole process
It's not Loki's fault... THEY MADE HIM THAT WAY!!!
(I love you Loki, forever and always, right after Matt Smith, Shang, and Zuko)
(I love you Loki, forever and always, right after Matt Smith, Shang, and Zuko)
I often wonder what my birth mother was like. Being adopted from China really leaves alot of holes in my life, like who she actually is, who she was, what my birthday is, how old am I really, who was my father, do I have any brother's or sisters, why did she give me away... You know all those light easy and fun topics we discuss over the dinner table. Sometimes I don't feel 100% chinese. Maybe my dad was white. I don't really know, but over the years people have expressed their views on my parentage, and most conclude with the idea that my I'm a mix. So that got me thinking about how my mom would or could have gotten pregnant with a white guy, and came to the conclussion that she must be a prostitute....more on this later, it's alot to think about
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Oh dear...
I feel like that shady looking blob the cat dragged in, ate, and spit back up in a hairball. After yesterday, you think I would've managed to reboot myself back into reality with a spring in my step, and a quip in my voice, but alas my sarcastic mold has cracked and I'm going to have to do some serious repair before I'm up and running again. Literally running, actually. You see, my friend Holly had this brilliant idea that I should join cross-country (why does it seem like all great ideas are you're friend's ideas...?). It's actually an extremely relaxing sport and it's good for the soul, but my gosh, muscles I didn't even know existed are throbbing. After that first practice, man I thought never again, and yet I continued to go to practice...and now I have shin splints. But that's ok, because through this I learned a very, very valuable lesson.
What am I running from?
That's right. What am I running from? I'm sitting there jogging this 3.1 mile course thinking to myself "I am mentally insane...who does this? Why am I running?" Everybody grab a notebook, or paper, or a human, or a wall and right this down. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Because it can be applied to all aspects in life. Say one day you're walking away from a conversation, "What are you running from?". Or maybe you want to say something assertive and don't. "What are you running from?". Or maybe you're a cross country runner like me, "What are you running from?" When I'm on the course, I pretend that everyone is a zombie...but actually...
Personally, I run from alot of things.
Favorite Quote For Today:
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
Also quick thank you's to
What am I running from?
That's right. What am I running from? I'm sitting there jogging this 3.1 mile course thinking to myself "I am mentally insane...who does this? Why am I running?" Everybody grab a notebook, or paper, or a human, or a wall and right this down. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Because it can be applied to all aspects in life. Say one day you're walking away from a conversation, "What are you running from?". Or maybe you want to say something assertive and don't. "What are you running from?". Or maybe you're a cross country runner like me, "What are you running from?" When I'm on the course, I pretend that everyone is a zombie...but actually...
Personally, I run from alot of things.
- Emotionally unstable people
- Chores
- My chickens
- Uncomfortable situations
- Angry People
- Murder Scenes
- Shady alleys
- My parents (sometimes...most of the time.... just kidding :D)
- Homework (It's why I started this blog in the first place)
- Chucky
- Clowns
- Horse teeth
- The Holidays
- Summer Vacation
- Icecream
- The last piece of cake
- The lunch table at school
- My friends when they need me
- My chickens (well actually I run after them)
- Those in need
- My family
- My faith
- Food in general
- Camping trips
- Frozen Yogurt stands
- Concerts
- Matt Smith (Long live Doctor Who)
- All things Disney
- Mulan
Favorite Quote For Today:
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
Also quick thank you's to
- Tiffany
- Alyssa
- Rachel
- And my beautiful, beautiful class
That moment during an argument when you realize...you're wrong
So, the reason this post hasn't been...well..posted, is actually pretty straight forward. I've been sitting here for about 15 minutes, unable to think up something mildly amusing, with just enough sarcasm to keep you reading. Why am I writing a blog? Honestly.
I'm just having an off day. I need topic ideas, if you could post some below that would be...helpful. I have too many ideas running around in my brain. I can't seem to catch any of them.
I guess I could do the title, because we've all had those moments when we passionately defend something we soon realize is wrong, and then sit there defending it half-assed because we can't take back our statements that we've already passionately expressed through colorful language and a gesture of expressive hand motions. I believe the expression is, "open mouth, insert foot." Although these moments are embarrassing, annoying, and something to be avoided, the world wouldn't be able to turn without them. Humans need arguments to survive. It's just that simple. We're sick creatures who take pleasure in the displeasure of others.
Think about it. What if you watched a movie where everything good happened to everyone and they all lived happily ever after because nothing bad or mildly amusing ever happened to them. No one would watch it.... NO ONE! It would be like watching barney 24/7 and even that had mild conflict.
What you would watch, however, is a movie where people are having a great time at the beach and then get eaten by a killer shark, and then the shark eats a little boy and his dog and all these fisherman have to go out and find the killer shark (who really is just underfed, it's not his fault humans are invading his home), and then the protagonist's son almost gets eaten by the shark, and then the protagonist almost gets eaten by the shark. Then this protagonist hops in a boat with a man who lost his leg to said shark and hasn't recovered since, and is slowly going mentally insane. Then the man goes mentally insane and gets eaten by the shark as the boat starts to sink with the protagonist inside, and then the shark blows up (the movie I described is jaws... I guess I should apologize for the spoilers, but that we go completely against the point I'm trying to prove). See, people like conflict, they like discomfort, they like death. They take pleasure in it. I take pleasure in it. It's just a way of life. Now I'm not saying that everybody is like this, because there are those few of us out there who are just peppy, preppy, and happy to be alive.
But tell me the truth, isn't this
Much more entertaining than this:
PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS, PUT IT ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, ANYTHING! It's really hard to get a blog going, but with your support, we can make it...probably... so yeah, if you have the time, subscribe, email me, comment on how much you wish I'd delete this blog.... I'm pretty much open to anything
I'm just having an off day. I need topic ideas, if you could post some below that would be...helpful. I have too many ideas running around in my brain. I can't seem to catch any of them.
I guess I could do the title, because we've all had those moments when we passionately defend something we soon realize is wrong, and then sit there defending it half-assed because we can't take back our statements that we've already passionately expressed through colorful language and a gesture of expressive hand motions. I believe the expression is, "open mouth, insert foot." Although these moments are embarrassing, annoying, and something to be avoided, the world wouldn't be able to turn without them. Humans need arguments to survive. It's just that simple. We're sick creatures who take pleasure in the displeasure of others.
Think about it. What if you watched a movie where everything good happened to everyone and they all lived happily ever after because nothing bad or mildly amusing ever happened to them. No one would watch it.... NO ONE! It would be like watching barney 24/7 and even that had mild conflict.
What you would watch, however, is a movie where people are having a great time at the beach and then get eaten by a killer shark, and then the shark eats a little boy and his dog and all these fisherman have to go out and find the killer shark (who really is just underfed, it's not his fault humans are invading his home), and then the protagonist's son almost gets eaten by the shark, and then the protagonist almost gets eaten by the shark. Then this protagonist hops in a boat with a man who lost his leg to said shark and hasn't recovered since, and is slowly going mentally insane. Then the man goes mentally insane and gets eaten by the shark as the boat starts to sink with the protagonist inside, and then the shark blows up (the movie I described is jaws... I guess I should apologize for the spoilers, but that we go completely against the point I'm trying to prove). See, people like conflict, they like discomfort, they like death. They take pleasure in it. I take pleasure in it. It's just a way of life. Now I'm not saying that everybody is like this, because there are those few of us out there who are just peppy, preppy, and happy to be alive.
But tell me the truth, isn't this
Much more entertaining than this:
So next time you hit mild or even major conflict in your life, thank the moment, embrace it. Because without it, we'd all be holding hands skipping through a field singing Kumbayah, while the clouds puffed and the fields joined in, in chorus. And that's no fun.
Favorite Quote For The Day:
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS, PUT IT ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, ANYTHING! It's really hard to get a blog going, but with your support, we can make it...probably... so yeah, if you have the time, subscribe, email me, comment on how much you wish I'd delete this blog.... I'm pretty much open to anything
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Trauma on Tuesdays
Another day another dollar, as the old saying goes. Of course that wouldn't apply to the poor old me, the only seventeen year old who still hasn't managed to hold down a real job. Not applying might have something to do with it... in any case, my only income comes from chores and cleaning the homes of relatives. It sounds disgusting...
But honestly it's a pretty great income. It's ironic that I'm a cleaning lady, considering the state my room is currently sitting in.
I don't even think I have a floor... but back to house cleaning.
Cleaning houses you really get intimate with those whose house you're cleaning on a deeper level. It's amazing how much you think you know a person...and then you clean their houses. All of a sudden, you can sit there and contemplate their use of shampoo vs conditioner in the bathroom. Or whether or not you agree with their choice for dinner as you scrub out their sink. Of course, there are risks associated with being a cleaning lady, such as:
Favorite Quote for the Day:
A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's... She changes it more often.
![]() |
This is how I portray myself cleaning...with those exact facial expressions |
I don't even think I have a floor... but back to house cleaning.
Cleaning houses you really get intimate with those whose house you're cleaning on a deeper level. It's amazing how much you think you know a person...and then you clean their houses. All of a sudden, you can sit there and contemplate their use of shampoo vs conditioner in the bathroom. Or whether or not you agree with their choice for dinner as you scrub out their sink. Of course, there are risks associated with being a cleaning lady, such as:
- Being permanently scarred
- You might never see that person the same way again
- Touching gross, unidentified objects
- Losing your food, and having to clean it up, along with whatever caused you to lose it
- Walking in on someone hanging themselves
- Murder
- Spending all your hard earned money on moisturizer, as you attempt to bring your hands back to their original, soft, silky form.
- Never being able to sleep...ever again
Favorite Quote for the Day:
A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's... She changes it more often.
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Best Pancake Recipe
(because we all wish we could add that much butter to our pancakes without the risk of a heart attack or kidney failure)
I just had to add another post on here for today because, this is actually the easiest, and best homemade pancake recipe you will ever eat. I promise you. I cry everytime I make them, they're so good.
I just had to add another post on here for today because, this is actually the easiest, and best homemade pancake recipe you will ever eat. I promise you. I cry everytime I make them, they're so good.
The Best Pancakes That Ever Touched My Lips
1 cup of flour
2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of salt
1 tbl of sugar
1 cup of milk
1 egg
2 tbl of oil
An array of toppings (optional)
1. Combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a large bowl.
2. Add the milk, egg, and oil and combine with the dry ingredients till smooth
3. Place a pan on a medium low heat over a burner with some butter to prevent the pancakes from sticking.
4. Add any toppings such as blueberries, bannanas, or chocolate chips
5. Eat to your heart's content
This recipe generally makes about 6 large pancakes. There are 5 people in my family and we all eat about a dozen pancakes a piece, so feel free to double or triple or quadruple the recipe to your heart's content. :) Happy cooking!
Just another Manic Monday
Today was a fairly normal day, considering it was monday. As you all know, everything weird happens on a monday. If fact, did you know that most suicides are committed on Monday. Let's take a moment of silence, for our fallen brethren...........
On that happy note, I decided that the upcoming Spring Play at my school will be the next topic of discussion. Over the past years that I've been at Villa, we've performed Oliver and Peter pan. I have participated in neither. This year they announced that Annie will be the theme for this year's play. And boom it hit me with a passion that burned my soul. I was meant to play Annie. I can practically feel the part calling to me, "Rebecca, Rebecca, come play me..." Actually, that's really creepy with just a hint of pedophilia, but you get the general idea. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't act, and I'm absolutely convinced that the part will be mine. Just picture it, little 5 foot Asian Annie, up there on stage, with a curly red wig, belting out the chords to "TOMORROW". It'll be epic, I promise you. To make matters even greater, my whole class is supporting me. In fact, as soon it was announced, Courtney turned to me and said, "You should try out as Annie." So, what do I do? I agree. I mean what else can I do with such a brilliant idea. One cannot simply ignore these Godly callings. Which brings me to my next topic, well not actually because this is where this post ends... awkward.
Favorite Quote: (from my little sister today)
I went to get a donut, but they all had holes in them, so I just got a Boston Creme.
Favorite Quote: (from my little sister today)
I went to get a donut, but they all had holes in them, so I just got a Boston Creme.
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