
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Prodigal Son...(daughter)....(sister)...

Well, Ms. bright and beautiful landed on planet home last night, after 3 months away in the galaxy called college, where she has endeavored in the spiritual and freeing aspects that accompany limited parental access. She brought along with her an enormous suitcase filled with dirty laundry, the laptop she scored for $200, a waterbottle that filters itself, and news of the world, outside of our quaint little circle of life. Needless to say, I missed her.

And I'm pretty sure she missed us too...

Pretty sure...

And yet, after 3 months of limited communication,  all I could think to say to her was, "Wow, I don't remember you being that short..."

Maybe it was the distance, maybe I've grown up, maybe we've both just changed, but I felt this awkward presence in the house ever since.

My parents atone my miserable mood to the fact that I'm jealous and feel neglected now that the glorious college student has finally come home. But that couldn't possibly true.

What really irks me though, is the fact that she treats me like I'm 7. Granted, yes, she's the older sister. Technically she has a certain inalienable right over me and my little sister, one that has existed ever since Cain and Able popped their little heads into humanity.

Here's an example. She was looking for this long pillow that she had in her room prior to her college-ing days, right? So she comes down stairs and bangs into my room. and I told her it wasn't in my room, but she ignored me and came in anyway. And told me she didn't trust me, and left. Whaaaat!?!

Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, and I'd do anything for her. But I'm a senior. A SENIOR! She thinks just cause she's been to college that she's all high and mighty up on her scholarship horse.

In the end, it really all comes down to, me. Me and my intolerance. It's really  my fault this is causing me so much angst. She was just looking for her pillow, and I yelled at her. I need patience... Because My sister is one of the greatest people I know. She's so smart, and she's the only person who can make me fall off the couch laughing. She's so confident and okay with herself, it's unbearable.
She's beautiful, and wonderful, and you know we all have our faults. It's knowing that you can accept them, that makes us family.

Favorite Quote:

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ. Knowing you can accept those faults would make us friends. Hating those to the core and yet still loving and never wanting harm to befall them is what makes us family :)
