
Monday, October 7, 2013

I apologize...

Sorry I haven't been on in a while... I had a laser tag party, SATs, a craft show, and a lazy day. Miss me?

Anyhoo today's a sick day. You know those mornings where you wake up all, "echblechenle" but you think "You'll feel better soon, it's just morning ich". So you hold out and go to school.

Then you get to school and it hits you, that you still feel like you got dragged underneath the school bus, while it was raining and minus 2 degrees out side, then you got dumped in a mud puddle.

That's basically the start and end of my day. I've got this nasty nose/head/congestion thing that's giving me shivers.  So I'm sitting there, and I'm trying not to show I'm sick but what what I see is totally different to how other people perceive me.

Because as soon as I walked into school, my class stopped and went, "Are you sick?".. The aftermath of that sort of went with "Go away, no one wants you here, you're gonna get us all sick, LEAVE!"
The point is, how do other people perceive you.
I don't know about you,
but my voice sounds like a duuuude,
everything will be alright if I never ever moooove,
What if I have to pee?
 Or sneeze or cough or  puuuuke?
Everything will be alright if, I can just make it to the
bathroooOOOOoom. BathroooOOOOOoom.
Ok well that was off topic. What I was trying to say was
"I don't know about you, but I love to people watch"..
It's my favorite past time. I play this game where I sit in the coffee shop and give everybody that passes a name, a story, and a personality. I also play the game where you play future me... For instance. Say this..gir- no...person was walking by.
So I would go:
This is me in about 10 years. I was so sick of living the refined society life, that i skipped town and reconstructed my face so I would be unrecognizeable, but the surgeon messed up. Then I ran off and joined a hippie colony where I've been living for the past 3 years. During those three years I grew dreds, sang to a whale, saved the gecko speckled leather bellied fish, and made this awesome rasta cap. Today is my one day out of the colony, and I decided I was craving a caffeinated beverage.
So that's how you play. But the funny thing is, how does that...person... perceive....itself...??
There's nothing I wouldn't give (not true I totally wouldn't give up netflix...everything else is okay though), to spend one day in another person's brain, just to see how other people see me. I'd give (almost) anything.


  1. SAMEEEE !!! Just Ask People To Be completely honest !! I wish the sme thing too && what's so good about Netflix ?

    1. did you really say what's so good about netflix... Tiffany, go away I can't speak to you right now

  2. Yuck. I hate getting sick. But then again, it gives me an excuse to just lie in bed and moan about how unfair life is all day, so maybe it's not so bad.

    I used to observe people I guess. Like I'd just pay attention and notice their little habits or the colour of their earings and little things like that.
    I say 'used to' because I've begun to find that I daydream too much. My imagination is so good, I often can't distinguish things that happen in my head from reality. O_O Uh-oh... I might be sick.

    1. It's kind of like me everyday, only I have an excuse to do it :)

      An imagination is the pathway to oblivion. It's like a free magical drug in your brain that you can use at your own discretion.

  3. May I, your mother, tell you how others perceive you? My friends, and yes, even strangers who have just met you, all tell me what a beautiful young lady you are. You're funny, a little cynical, (I added that) charming, generous, witty, delightful.... need I go on? You have to love yourself more and see what others see.stop doubting yourself and try to be less critical. you are hiding your insecurity behind a mask of cynicism. But I love you no matter what! xoxoxo mom

    1. stop quoting "parenthood" mom, you're already a great parent.
