
Friday, September 27, 2013

Pregnancy is not an option

I love babies. I really do. They're cute, and cuddly, and fuzzy, and fluffy. They're like living teddy bears. But pregnancy is not an option. I'm a five foot asian and me pushing out a baby, would be like trying to squeeze a watermelon out of the leg of a 00 pair of skinny jeans. NOT POSSIBLE!

But, I am a tremendous advocate for adoption, seeing as I am adopted, so I totally support the whole process

It's not Loki's fault... THEY MADE HIM THAT WAY!!!
(I love you Loki, forever and always, right after Matt Smith, Shang, and Zuko)

I often wonder what my birth mother was like. Being adopted from China really leaves alot of holes in my life, like who she actually is, who she was, what my birthday is, how old am I really, who was my father, do I have any brother's or sisters, why did she give me away... You know all those light easy and fun topics we discuss over the dinner table. Sometimes I don't feel 100% chinese. Maybe my dad was white. I don't really know, but over the years people have expressed their views on my parentage, and most conclude with the idea that my I'm a mix. So that got me thinking about how my mom would or could have gotten pregnant with a white guy, and came to the conclussion that she must be a prostitute....more on this later, it's alot to think about


  1. (I've been told I'm too frank for my own good, so I'm really sorry if I say something insensitive.)
    That sure is a handful. Adoption IS a sensitive topic I guess.

    Is it hard to bring up these kind of things with your family? A couple of my friends and family are adopted too and while some are really open about it, it's not so much as mentioned in other families.

    Do you ever want to meet her?

    1. If you look at part two, it'll answer your questions :)

  2. Wow Girl ..I Never Knew All This :o But I Remember U Telling Me Some Of It. Wow Tho , That Is A Handful . I'm So HappyI Met You Tho . U Are The Fuckin Awesomess :)
